So... interesting title huh? Well, it is absolutely the truth. My life comes under the heading of 'Whatever Can Go Wrong, Will Go Wrong". Cases in point... The Saturday after Gem came to us, I thought it would be a good idea to help the hubby mow grass. Our yard was so high, I was waiting to get a nasty-gram from the township about it. So after my agility trial, I came home and started weedwhacking the yard while he mowed. Because it was so high, after whacking weeds, I followed him with the mulching mower to get rid of some of the chunks of grass. The dogs view these as a delicacy and will wolf them down to only throw them up again in short order. All was fine until I moved a piece of lumber to mow under it, only to knock the lumber off of its perch and into my head. This intelligent move cost me a trip to the ER in an ambulance, an IV, Zofran, a CT of my neck and head, 3 staples to close the wound, a mild concussion and major embarrassment. Bah... Not one of my more glorious moments in life. Okay... I didn't get to go to my agility trial day 2, but it was a rainy day and I didn't miss anything I suppose. And yes, I called off work Monday because I had a migraine and needed to see the chiropractor to put my neck back where it belonged. Sheesh...
Flash forward a few days... I end up with a wicked sinus infection that has gone awry and have to take 2 more days off of work. Sad thing is, I don't get sick days. I don't work, I don't get paid. That in itself... bites. So Thursday and Friday are spent breaking fevers, popping decongestants, cough medicine and antibiotics. Only bright spot was my staples were removed 2 days early. Woo... hoo... By Saturday, I feel semi-human and hope I can actually run agility without passing out. Quite a task I'll tell you. I make it through my first few runs without keeling over and by the end of the day, I don't feel too bad. I am surprised by this... By Sunday, I feel just about normal, with the exception of my sinuses as usual. The boys did well, Gem got socialization and we had a good time.
Monday comes and I'm ready to start the week again. The hubby comes home Sunday night sick. I don't just mean a little sick, I mean really SICK. I want to call him an ambulance Monday morning but he refuses. "I'll just go to the Quick Care." Okay... In the meantime, my 15 year old washer dies a quiet, untimely death. Now, I am due for a meltdown and this happened to be the impedus to open the floodgates. I don't handle Mother's Day well since my Mom died almost 3 years ago, but I held it together rather well I'd say. Until then... I sat on the floor in the basement in front of the dead washer full of sopping, wet clothes and cried hysterically. Eventually, my hubby comes looking for me and I tearfully tell him how much I want to quit working to stay home and take care of him, the dogs and the house. We know that isn't a possibility, but it doesn't stop me from wishing for it. I pull myself together, throw the clothes in a basket to take down to my Dad's house and go back to bed for a couple more hours. I should have stayed in bed. Hubby goes to the Quick Care and as I'm down my Dad's house wringing out the wet laundry, my cell phone rings. It's the hubby... the Quick Care PA is sending him by ambulance to the ER because he is dizzy and has a temp of 102.5... Someone shoot me now. I say okay as cheerfully as I can, then after hanging up, I have meltdown #2 for the day. I proceed to call off from work... again because I have no idea how long I'll be at the ER with him. I have no idea if he'll be admitted or if I'll get to bring him home. ARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!
I am blessed to have wonderful friends. I get in touch with two of them, Karen Rose and Julia and they agree to take baby Gem for a few days. This... breaks my heart. Although I know that at the current time, I can't cope with a 10 week old puppy and crisis after crisis. So I pack her bag and her crate and send her off with her Aunties. I grab a quick shower then head to the ER to see what the verdict is for the hubby... Luckily it was bronchitis and not pneumonia. I get to take him home where he sleeps until almost 11pm, wakes up for a bowl of cereal and then goes back to sleep until the next morning.
However, the craziness is not nearly done for me. Hubby's vehicle is still at the Quick Care. The grass is once again high and I have a dead washer that needs replaced immediately. Since I was already off, I enlisted the neighbor to help me with the lawn, enlisted my Dad to drive to pick up hubby's vehicle only to find it with an almost empty gas tank....GRRRRRRR...., drive to the pharmacy and sit for 40 minutes to get hubby's prescriptions, then head off to Lowe's to find me a washing machine. A FB friend recently wrote about losing her mojo and having to pay for a speeding ticket. At my age, I am invisible to men, which I accept. But I am buying an appliance here, not looking for a date. The salesman seems to find me invisible until after the pretty young things are taken care of and he doesn't have a choice but to wait on me. Great... I don't care at this point. I NEED A WASHING MACHINE!!!!! So I pick out my choice, a Whirlpool Cabrio, and ask if they have it in stock and can I have it tomorrow. DING! YES!!! At least something has gone right today. I finally drive home with the hubby's RAV full of fuel and my credit card straining a bit from this unexpected expenditure. Ah well...
Luckily yesterday went better for us all. The big dogs are enjoying their break from Gem and although Seeker misses her, Piper is very happy that the little beast is not here. Ceilidh is indifferent I believe. I miss her bunches and can't wait to get her home again. The washing machine arrived early enough for me to play with it and wash a couple of loads. LOVE IT! And Gem is having a blast at sleepaway camp learning about kitties, gardening and playing in water. Hubby is on the mend and I went to work.
Glory forbid that I could go a day without Mr. Murphy today.... Hubby called and is missing his cell phone. His Droid 2 cell phone... I know what I'll be doing when I get home from work and before I go to agility class tonight. But Gem is coming home from her vacation after class and once again I can't say enough about how wonderful my friends are to me. Now, if only I can get through the rest of the week without a visit from Mr. Murphy. If bad things run in 3s, then I'm done... no really... I'm done. Guess we'll see how it goes... as so it goes... But there is a bright spot! There is agility this weekend!!!!!!