ATCH Seeker and his awards |
Me, ATCH Seeker and judge Darryl Warren |
Seeker finished his Australian Shepherd Club of America Agility Trial Championship on Saturday, May 5, 2012 at the Buckeye Australian Shepherd Club trials under judge Darryl Warren. It is Seeker's first agility championship. We needed 20 Elite Gambler points going in to the trial with 4 shots at getting them. Gamblers is the first class on Saturday and the gamble was tricky, but definitely doable. I wasn't honestly worried about placements or anything else, just the clean run and Q.
In true Seeker style, he got the gamble and earned a 2nd place in round 1. In round 2, he had the weaves out of a tunnel, which tripped him up at the last ASCA trial because neither of us checked his speed and although he got the entrance, he was going too fast and got tangled up, causing him to pop out. This flashed through my mind and when he hit the tunnel, I reminded him to slow up and get the weaves. He did it perfectly, then took the last 2 jumps earning the last needed points for his ATCH! I could not be more proud of him.
Seeker enjoying a little ATCH cake! |
Gamblers has not been an easy class for him. And I couldn't figure that out for the longest time. I took a private lesson from the Queen of Distance Kathi Filar Scherf and discovered that Seeker's comfort distance was only about 8 feet away from me. THIS is not conducive to a successful gamble when the distances are 15 - 20 feet. So, Kathi gave me some great advice and exercises to work with him and as the weeks progressed through the winter, I saw him gain more confidence and be comfortable working away from me at greater and greater distances. He began getting difficult gambles/sends in AKC and USDAA and crept up on those last needed points for ASCA. I owe Kathi a huge debt of gratitude for helping me and Seeker, for without her insight, we would still be struggling. THANK YOU KATHI!!!
Seeker got our very first bar (because although Piper earned his ATCH last year, they didn't give bars then) and I am sure it won't be our last. He needs only a few more Qs to earn his USDAA ADCH and 11 QQs for his AKC MACH. And then we will get back to concentrating on his first love, herding... Stay tuned!