Piper finished his CPE C-ATCH last weekend with a 1st place in Colors! This was his 5th agility championship and 7th performance championship overall. He has 2 in canine freestyle also. Piper has earned agility championships in AKC, 2 in USDAA, ASCA and now CPE. He is such a competitor and LOVES the game of agility. He can now rest on his laurels as we have completed the last of the goals that I set forth for us. He does nothing halfway and agility is his first love. It always has been since the very first time we stepped to the line.
Piper by Louis Ruediger |
We will continue to play until it isn't any longer in his best physical interest to do so. I honestly think he'd die if I completely stopped doing agility with him. What I like about CPE is that I still have one more jump height to put him in. I have to work him at 12" to see how he will handle it before I enter him in a trial at that height. He isn't really having issues at 16" on the whole. Sometimes he misjudges a jump and the bar comes down, but that isn't a very common occurrence. Even though he isn't having problems, should I keep him at 16" becomes the question. He will be 11 in April. Many dogs have retired by this point, but not Piper. He receives regular massage, chiropractic and acupuncture. No, he isn't spoiled. He is an athlete and at this time in his life, a senior citizen athlete. He deserves the very best care I can afford for him. I do know that he can't do 10 runs in a weekend any longer. That amount is too many and leaves him sore. It isn't about the titles or placements. It is about making him happy and letting him enjoy his favorite activity.
I have slowly retired him from one agility venue at a time. First AKC, then USDAA... He is still running in ASCA, but that height is still 16" for Veterans class and that will probably stop soon too. He still has CPE to play in and I plan to keep him active by returning to rally obedience with him. He needs 6 or 7 legs for his AKC RAE. I also plan to try some Cynosport rally too. His best buddy, another BC named Sputnik aka Beep, is closing in on his ASCA ATCH. The boys will share a retirement party with their best friends later this year and WHAT a party it will be!!
I am truly blessed to have been chosen by Piper. He came into my life in a whirlwind and I don't expect him to someday leave it any other way. Until then, we will enjoy our days together, just being... How lucky am I?