Gem is an intense little girl. This picture was taken when she was about 4 months old. She is no less intense now at 11 months of age... I started some early agility training with her some months ago, but due to my injury, that was all put on hold. I am now back to doing foundation work with her.
I did a training session with her last week which involved wrapping around jump uprights in both directions and driving through tunnels. She has very little food drive and toys wind her up. Toys can also put her in herding mode as in the photo. She is stalking a tennis ball. So, I am trying to find a balance of what I can use for a reward with her. She does like to tug and I keep the duration short with her. Presently her attention is that of a gnat, but she still has maturing to do. I said today that Gemmie's focus needs focus!
I started her in herding to help with her maturity and focus. She has intense focus on stock which I hope will transfer over to other activities as she gets more confidence and ages. And now that we aren't going to the Border Collie National, I no longer feel any pressure to have her "ready" to be in an agility ring by a certain time. She will be a year old on February 28 and I am guessing that she won't see an agility ring until the Spring of 2013, after she turns two.
She is fast... wicked fast and different from the boys. Piper was fast when he was younger, but not nearly as fast as this little rocket. I want to take advantage of that speed, so I am planning on teaching her running contacts. People say I am crazy, but I think we will be awesome. Because I no longer have a deadline, I am taking my time in training her and trying to not make the same mistakes I have made with the boys. I am sure, however, that I will make different ones given her speed and intensity. But anything worth doing, is worth doing right.
Gem is currently just about 18" tall. She is going to get measured... a lot... until she is over the age limit for each venue we will compete in. But because she is over the height to jump 16" in USDAA and will have to jump 22" Championship, I will run her at 20" in AKC even if she is supposed to jump 16" there. Right now, that seems like a tall order for my little sprite. But I have seen her jump... and jump she surely can! Now, let's see if I can harness the enthusiasm, get some more focus and keep working towards my agility goals for her. And the journey continues...
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