Thursday, December 20, 2012

The List... 2013

It is once again time for my annual goal list for me and the dogs. I enjoy writing them down and crossing them off as we finish accomplishments. 2012 was a very good year for achieving many of my goals. However some, unfortunately, went by the wayside due to one reason or another. So here we go for 2013 in no particular order...

1. Finish Seeker's MACH.

2. Qualify both boys for AKC Nationals 2014.

3. Finish Piper's USDAA LAA Bronze.

4. Finish C-ATCHs on both boys.

5. Make the draw for CPE Nationals in Ohio.

6. Qualify Seeker for USDAA Nationals 2013.

7. Get Ceilidh back in to nosework class somewhere because she LOVES it.

8. Get Seeker and Gem back in to serious herding training.

9. Work harder and smarter with Gem to understand her and help her enjoy learning.

10. Do more therapy visits with the boys.

11. Hopefully, have Gem ready to do some rally or obedience later in the summer or fall.

12. Have Seeker evaluated and collected for posterity, until I find that special girl for him.

13. Get back to working Seeker in obedience and rally to at least finish a CD and his RAE.

14. Finish Piper's RAE.

15. Put a dent in Piper's PACH.

16. Spend more individual time with each of the dogs.

17. Continue to work on Ceilidh's reactivity issues with the tools I've learned.

18. Work harder on getting students for my classes and workshops. I really am good at teaching and I LOVE seeing teams achieve their goals!

19. Continue working on getting healthier and losing more weight and keeping it off.

20.  Make more time for the best dog dad in the world... my hubby.

I truly enjoy keeping busy with the dogs and I LOVE my husband for his indulgence, encouragement and tolerance of ALL my teaching, traveling and trialing. He helps me keep it all together and moving forward. I couldn't do it without him. 

MACH Piper by Kaitlyn Dreese
Happy Holidays to all and to all best wishes for a fantastic 2013!!!

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