I truly love this dog and want to see him play agility for as long as he and his body would like to do so. It seemed logical to make this progression with him. Was it because he hit 10 and that was a magical number for me? No... it wasn't. It was because his body has taken lots of medical hits over the last couple of years. Anal sac ruptures, anal fistula, chronic constipation, immune and gastrointestinal issues, uveitis and food allergies have all left their mark on him. While most people don't see a 10 year old dog, I do and at time, I see one older than his years.
I still see dogs that are his age and older still competing in the higher heights. I wonder if and when these handlers will make this transition for their dogs. I'm sure I could have pushed Piper to continue jumping 20" or 22", but to what end? Everybody has to make a decision as to what is best for their own canine partner. For me and Piper, it was dropping him to 16" and going out and having fun for the rest of his career. We still have some goals to be met, like his CPE C-ATCH and I hope a trip to the Veterans Showcase at Cynosport this October. Dropping down doesn't mean giving up competition. For me, it means letting Piper be comfortable and competitive while having all the fun that he wants. THAT is the most important goal to be met. FUN!!!
Hug your dogs and have some fun!!!
Sounds like a very thoughtful and loving decision made with the utmost regard for the joy Piper has brought to your life.