Friday, December 26, 2014

The list... 2015

With 2014 being such a tough year, many of my goals went unaccomplished, but some were completed. I never thought a year later Piper would be gone. Never... Many of the goals from 2014 involved him and were left not completed after he got sick and we lost him so quickly. Seeker did great when I was able to trial him completing most of my goals for him. Ceilidh delved into a whole new endeavor and Gem got to run fast and chase the bunnies. So here we go with 2015's list, in no particular order...

1. Get Seeker out on sheep more often. It is good for both of us.

2. Finish Seeker's ATCH 2. We are very close to doing so.

3. Do more Barn Hunt with Ceilidh and do some fun Nose Work training with her too.

4. Continue training Gem in agility and other activities on her terms.

5. Keep working on Gem's CAT levels because she loves it.

6. Get a new puppy.

7. Go to Cynosport 2015 and do our best, but most of all have FUN!

8. Finish Seeker's Silver ADCH.

9. Get that last 20 lbs. off by actually going to Yoga and Zumba classes.

10. Reduce my stress and achieve my goals of moving forward from where I am now.

11. Spend more quality time with Bob and the dogs and look forward to our beach trip!

Every year is full of challenges... but how you overcome those challenges is what makes the difference. Peace, love and prosperity to all in 2015!
Ceilidh, Seeker and Gem - Christmas 2014

Reflections 2014...

To say that this year has been challenging, would be the understatement of the century. To say that it was all bad, would be untrue. Despite the really bad things that happened, the dogs were stellar, completing goals that I set for us. The dogs are always amazing and competing with them is an honor and a privilege.

The year began with polar vortexes, snow, cold, a case of frost nipped fingertips for me and a flood which resulted in Bob's first of 3 hospitalizations this year. We also suffered through a wrecking crew of waterproofers which just did about as much damage as the flood did. However, we survived and with the help of my brother-in-law Joe, got things set to rights.

February brought a bright spot with Piper completing his CPE C-ATCH with the last 2 Colors Qs he needed. This was his 5th agility championship and he completed it on my nephew Jason's birthday. I'm sure we had a few angels guiding us that day.

In April, Ceilidh got her first taste of Barn Hunt and loved it! Not a surprise really. 

Also in April, Piper did a very special therapy dog visit right after his 11th birthday. We were part of the teams that went to Franklin Regional High School after the stabbings. He was amazing as always and I was SO proud of him.

In May, Seeker gave me a Mother's Day present by finishing his USDAA Bronze ADCH. He also completed his Jumpers Silver and Bronze Relay titles that weekend too. Gem got to run in her first Coursing Ability Tests and came away with 2 Qs towards her first level title.

June came with Piper having nasal discharge and sneezing, but he was otherwise feeling great as he ran in a CPE trial. It was to be his last trial weekend ever. Seeker continued to garner Qs for his CPE C-ATCH and work on his USDAA LAA Bronze.

July was the worst... Piper suffered a severe bout of pancreatitis and had to be taken to the emergency vet on July 4th. On July 10th, my awesome brother-in-law Joe, was killed in a motorcycle accident when someone in an SUV pulled out in front of him from a side road. He never had a chance. He was doing everything right, helmet, headlight, within the speed limit, but the driver's moment of stupidity, inattentiveness, or whatever, cost Joe his life. Ours will never be the same. My sister dealt with her wedding anniversary the day after we buried Joe. A week after that, she had to cope with the 4 year anniversary of the loss of her son and my oldest nephew Jason. My sister is the strongest person I know.

 Fifteen days later, on July 25th... Piper was diagnosed with an aggressive nasal tumor. I hoped for months, but it was not to be. We lost him 2 days later on July 27th. The cancer had advanced quickly and has destroyed the crib form plate and part of his right eye socket. His pain was probably off the charts, but he gave me the gift of one more day which was filled with frozen yogurt with whipped cream and sprinkles, a trip to see Daddy at work, ball playing and snuggles. He died in my arms the next day with the help of our wonderful vet. My heart is still in pieces...

In August, Seeker finished his CPE C-ATCH with the last 2 Standard Qs we needed. I was so emotional and was barely able to complete his runs. This was Seeker's 5th agility title also. We also did some USDAA, still working on his LAA Bronze. My awesome friends pulled together and helped me raise enough money to pay off Piper's medical bills and make a donation to a BC rescue. I can never thank them enough.

September came with the Highland Games. This was the first year I had gone alone with the dogs and it was difficult. I retired Piper there in 2013 from his freestyle demos, but I had to carry on. Seeker stunned me with 2 very nice routines off the cuff and Gem held it together to show off some of her skills as well. Seeker was back in the agility ring at the end of the month earning some of his Qs towards his qualification for Cynosport 2015. Ceilidh earned her RATI and one leg towards her RATN with a 2nd place in Barn Hunt too.

Gem finished her CA and earned a leg towards her next level in November. She really loves this game! Chasing the bunny is her thing for sure. She continues to train in agility with no real aspirations for competition. I'm glad she enjoys the training and maybe some day, she'll decide that the ring isn't a scary place any longer. Seeker qualified for Cynosport 2015 in Performance and earned his P3 Jumpers title.

December was Ceilidh's turn again with Barn Hunt. We had hoped to go in November, but her lameness kept us from making a trip to the competition. With some acupuncture on board and a change in herbs, she made it through this weekend and earned her RATN (novice) title with 2 first place ribbons. I moved her up to Open, but she wasn't quite ready for the challenges the extra tubes and rats presented. 

This year has been one of if it didn't kill me, it made me stronger. After this year, I know who my friends are and who were just pretending. I know that time lost is gone forever. I know that I will tell those that I love that I love them every day because life can change in an instant. Onward to 2015...

Sunday, October 5, 2014

And life goes on...

Piper's passing has left a very large hole in our hearts and lives. He was still fairly active and as of the beginning of June, he was still running agility with joy and abandon. Moving forward has been difficult for all of us. Participating in the activities that he so enjoyed has been painful at times. Piper would want us to go on without him.

Finishing Seeker's CPE C-ATCH was much more emotional than I ever anticipated. We went into the weekend needing 2 Level 5 Standard Qs. We got one on Saturday, which wasn't pretty and I could feel my heart break with every step. On Sunday, Seeker was running well and I knew we could do this. What I didn't anticipate was how hard it would really be. The further into the course we got, the heavier my heart became and the more I just wanted to stop running. Seeker isn't Piper. We are on our own journey. He deserved for me to finish the course and this championship. So I did... That was Seeker's 5th agility championship as was Piper's when he completed his earlier in the year. Despite this milestone, I didn't feel like celebrating.

On September 20th, we did something else without Piper. We went to the Ligonier Highland Games. We have been part of the Scottish breed exhibit almost from the beginning. I brought freestyle there with Duncan, many, many years ago. Piper took over after Duncan retired and ultimately passed from cancer. I retired Piper from the Games in 2013. His enjoyment of doing his demos had waned and we had planned to leave both he and Ceilidh home in 2014. Things change... Gem has very little freestyle training. Seeker has virtually none. They both made me so proud when they stepped up and danced with me. My heart wasn't in it. I wanted to cry, but watching how they both laid it on the line for me, pushed me through. They kept the legacy of Duncan and Piper beautifully alive. I couldn't have asked for more.

Two weekends ago, Seeker finished his USDAA Lifetime Achievement Award - Bronze (150 Qs). Piper finished his in June 2013 and was retired from USDAA in November 2013. Seeker still has a stellar career left to run in Performance. I am halfway to qualifying him for Cynosport 2015 in TN. He is healthy, fit and loving being the only dog I am running in agility now. We are back to having fun and focusing on the future again.

So yes, even though Piper is no longer with us, life goes on. We take each day as they come. He would want it that way...

Piper and his LAA Bronze plaque

Thursday, August 21, 2014

For the love of Piper...

Piper is gone. Those three words are very difficult for me to write or say. He was helped to the Bridge by my wonderful vet on Sunday, July 27, 2014. My concession is that he is no longer in pain and that he went peacefully and gently while held in my arms. Cancer... oh how I hate that word and disease, took him from us much too soon.

He had a nasal tumor that took his life quickly. He was a "fire" in the Chinese elements. In true fire fashion, there was no lingering illness. Fires spark forth, burn brightly and are extinguished quickly. Piper burned brightly. He was my rock star and enjoyed every minute of every day of his too short life.

My heart has been ripped from my chest. This dog took me places that I never dreamed possible. It is because of him that I do agility and enjoy it. He didn't just like the game, he LOVED it. Agility was his passion... run fast, take chances, rock on! It will never, ever be the same for me again.

Piper and I earned over 100 performance titles in agility, rally, obedience, canine freestyle and herding. We were partners and teammates. He gave me 100% every single time we stepped in a ring or on a field. His zest for life was irrepressible. His smile, body and tail wag and his singing "woo woo" were his trade marks. Life was GOOD every single day of his life. What he will be remembered for are these things and how he touched everyone's lives that he met.

As a therapy dog, Piper was THE best. He loved everyone and greeted them with his trademark singing and kisses. Like Kastle, people who didn't even like dogs were drawn to him. He especially loved the ladies, both old and young and strollers with babies were also favorites. The therapy work done at Franklin Regional High School earned him recognition, bringing the importance of therapy dogs to the forefront. He loved to dance to big band music at local nursing homes and at Christmastime, we danced to carols as the residents sang along. A dog that had so much drive and focus on an agility course COULD be quiet and calm enough to do therapy work. He loved to be the center of attention, to make people smile and laugh and to get petted and give kisses.

I was blessed to be able to share him with others. He wouldn't have had it any other way. This sentient being was meant to be shared. His love for life, his golden heart and his infectious grin were not meant for us to keep to ourselves. He was a show off and loved applause. Piper was such a character. We are all so much better for having known him.

Piper earned 5 agility championships in his career. He was my first real agility dog. I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew that he loved this crazy sport. We learned, had fun, failed and succeeded together as a team. He was fast, wild and reckless. I had no idea how to handle him. I am blessed that he loved me enough to not advertise on Craig's list for a new handler.

I miss him more than words can say. I miss his cuddling with me every day of his life. I miss his kisses. I miss his "woo woo" when I come home from work. I miss him sitting in his chair at agility trials. I miss him hoarding toys and chewies under the end table. I miss running him in agility. I miss dancing with him. I miss doing therapy work with him. I miss him following me around the house. I miss playing ball with him. I just miss HIM and always will.

Each day brings a little more comfort and less pain. I'm trying to remember and focus on the millions of wonderful memories he gave to me. I also remember his last Saturday, when he gave me that elusive "one more day" that many never get to experience. He loved going to Sweet Frog for frozen yogurt and this time he got whipped cream and sprinkles too. We got to visit his Daddy at work and play with his lambie with all of Daddy's co-workers and steal a ball of yarn from the supervisor and carry it around the room like a prize. Then he came home and played with my cousin's 2 children, who had known Piper all of their lives. Even with all the fantastic journeys we've had over the years, THIS was his best day EVER...

I know he wouldn't want us to cry and be sad. He would want us to celebrate his life and remember all the fun times. I'm trying to do that, but it would be easier if he were still here with us. RIP sweet man... I will always love you.

Our grateful thank yous go to the loving care of Piper provided by Dr. Alexandra Konegger, Dr. Craig Hill and Dr. Daniel Halden and staff from KVet Animal Care, Dr. Fiona Tam and Dr. Amanda Crabtree and staff from Avets - Allegheny Veterinary Emergency Trauma & Specialty, Nancy Craig - Pawsitive Energy and Kim Bennett - Stablemate Massage LLC.

We also want to thank Piper's breeder, Cheryl Jagger Williams for allowing us the opportunity to have Piper in our lives. He was a gift from heaven and our lives are the richer for having him in it.

We also want to thank everyone that donated and bid at the auction and contributed to Piper's medical bills with their donations. It truly showed us just how loved he really was by everyone. We are so grateful for everyone's generosity.

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went..." Will Rogers

Monday, June 9, 2014

Endings... and new beginnings...

It is never easy to watch a dream die. Dreams are what keep us moving forward, reaching and striving for the stars. Sometimes, dreams die despite our best efforts. It isn't the first time for me and I'm sure it won't be the last.

At the age of 3, one of Seeker's daughters has died from a rare, aggressive type of lymphoma. Inga Binga was a sweet, lively girl, reminiscent of her Dad. She had been sick, very sick, last year, diagnosed with a fungal infection. Unfortunately, this diagnosis was probably incorrect. She became sick again a few weeks ago and when some lumps were found and aspirated, the horrible diagnosis of cancer was made. Inga was sick, having difficulty breathing, not eating and lethargic. Her owners, Jean and Steve did everything in their power to make Inga better. The high doses of steroids she was given last year put her into remission, unknown to everyone until now. My heart is breaking for Jean and Steve. Three year old dogs should have a bright future ahead of them. Inga did... A fast, focused agility dog in training, she was a shining star in the making. Now, she has gone to the Bridge. It just isn't fair.

After much soul searching, I've decided to not breed Seeker again. My dream of having one of his awesome puppies has died along with Inga. Yes, I know cancer can be random and there is no proof that her lymphoma was genetically based or even came from him. But unless there comes a time when there is a genetic test available to screen for cancer, he won't be bred again. He will be neutered as planned in September and our lives will go on.

Although this dream has ended, I will focus on the future. Not now, but in a few years, I will be looking for another potential puppy to carry on as Applegarth's stud dog. Right now, it is time to focus on the here and now... 11 year old Piper, 9.5 year old Ceilidh, 7.5 year old Seeker and 3 year old Gem. The end of a dream only serves to allow other dreams to be pursued which is exactly what I plan to do.

So love and hug everyone in your life that are important, both human and canine, because it can all change in a second...

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The maturation of Gem...

Gem has been a bit of a puzzle to me. Very soft, very sensitive, very immature, very worried about life even though I thought I had thoroughly socialized her and gave her tons of great experiences. Our journey has been strife with issues, including trust of me on Gem's part She was chased down by a dog at one time during an agility session and that is when I started seeing her become anxious and worried. It then spilled over to other parts of our life. Although not injured by this incident, Gem stopped trusting my ability to protect her. She became reactive and concerned over things that she was once comfortable. I feel as though I have let her down too.

Her worries escalated last Fall when she ran out of an agility ring and tried to get out of the building. She loves training, mostly anything, but her sensitivities keep her from being able to trial. I have all but given up on the dream of doing agility competitively with her. Instead, we have played at other things, like freestyle, barn hunt, nosework and lure coursing. Gem's worries have been detrimental to her herding, her insecurity keeping her from moving beyond diving in and grabbing sheep.

Gem turned 3 in February 2014. It wasn't a magic age where she matured overnight. She is still silly, immature, sensitive and soft. But what I am starting to see is a new courage and bravery. Something as simple as her jumping on the grooming table to be brushed out only very recently happened. She could be a very late bloomer and a glimmer of hope that she may eventually be comfortable in an agility ring or any competition for that matter still exists for me.

The photo below is a confident, focused Gem doing a lure coursing ability test. Chasing a lure over 600 yards requires focus, stamina, speed and a level of maturity that I am thrilled that she is beginning to show. She earned two Qs and needs one more to finish her AKC CAT. I think this is only the beginning for us as a team.

Listening and reading Gem are THE most important things for me. Taking things at her pace and letting her know that I do have her back and that she can trust me to do what is right for her. The smile and happiness on her face in the photo says it all to me. I am looking forward to the journey more and more every day.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Another milestone...

Seeker earned his USDAA Bronze ADCH this past weekend. He also earned his Masters Silver Snooker Championship and his Masters Bronze Relay Pairs Championship as well. These go along with his Masters Silver Jumpers Championship too. He has far surpassed my hopes and dreams for our agility career. At 7 1/2 years of age, he is just really coming into his own. He is athletic, conditioned, talented and handsome to boot! Nah, I'm not biased or anything. He is everything I ever wanted.

People have discounted him as an agility dog for many reasons. Ignore the naysayers. There will always be haters. I think we have proven that we have what it takes to get the job done. He's earned his MACH, ADCH, ADCH-B and his ATCH. He's qualified for Nationals several times. He isn't the fastest, but he is consistent, honest and runs with his heart every time we step to the line. All this and he's sweet and damn handsome too... Oh yes and he can do what a Border Collie was bred to do. Yep, he's the complete package for me. Thank you Seeker for always giving me your best. I am humbled by you and very blessed to have you in my life. On to ADCH Silver and beyond!!!
Bronze ADCH Seeker and his loot

Saturday, February 15, 2014

C-ATCH me if you can!!!

Piper finished his CPE C-ATCH last weekend with a 1st place in Colors! This was his 5th agility championship and 7th performance championship overall. He has 2 in canine freestyle also. Piper has earned agility championships in AKC, 2 in USDAA, ASCA and now CPE. He is such a competitor and LOVES the game of agility. He can now rest on his laurels as we have completed the last of the goals that I set forth for us. He does nothing halfway and agility is his first love. It always has been since the very first time we stepped to the line.
Piper by Louis Ruediger

We will continue to play until it isn't any longer in his best physical interest to do so. I honestly think he'd die if I completely stopped doing agility with him. What I like about CPE is that I still have one more jump height to put him in. I have to work him at 12" to see how he will handle it before I enter him in a trial at that height. He isn't really having issues at 16" on the whole. Sometimes he misjudges a jump and the bar comes down, but that isn't a very common occurrence. Even though he isn't having problems, should I keep him at 16" becomes the question. He will be 11 in April. Many dogs have retired by this point, but not Piper. He receives regular massage, chiropractic and acupuncture. No, he isn't spoiled. He is an athlete and at this time in his life, a senior citizen athlete. He deserves the very best care I can afford for him. I do know that he can't do 10 runs in a weekend any longer. That amount is too many and leaves him sore. It isn't about the titles or placements. It is about making him happy and letting him enjoy his favorite activity.

I have slowly retired him from one  agility venue at a time. First AKC, then USDAA... He is still running in ASCA, but that height is still 16" for Veterans class and that will probably stop soon too. He still has CPE to play in and I plan to keep him active by returning to rally obedience with him. He needs 6 or 7 legs for his AKC RAE. I also plan to try some Cynosport rally too. His best buddy, another BC named Sputnik aka Beep, is closing in on his ASCA ATCH. The boys will share a retirement party with their best friends later this year and WHAT a party it will be!!

I am truly blessed to have been chosen by Piper. He came into my life in a whirlwind and I don't expect him to someday leave it any other way. Until then, we will enjoy our days together, just being... How lucky am I?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The List... 2014

2013 was a pretty good year for us here. Some of my list goals were met, while others were put aside or not accomplished for various reasons. I did complete many of the goals that were important to me. Finishing Seeker's MACH and Piper's LAA Bronze, as well as Cynosport 2013, were the major ones. I need to try harder to accomplish everything on my list this year. Here we go... in no particular order...

1. Finish C-ATCHs on both boys.

2. Finish Seeker's MACH 2.

3. Finish Seeker's Bronze ADCH and LAA Bronze.

4. Finish ATCH II on both boys.

5. Work on Piper's RAE and Seeker's RA and RE.

6. Go to the BCSA National Specialty.

7. Do more nosework with Ceilidh.

8. Have Seeker ready and trialing on sheep by June, if not sooner. Attend a few sheep clinics.

9. Work with Gem on her terms, help her to learn to be more comfortable in her own skin.

10. Grow my training business because I AM an EXCELLENT instructor and I have so much to offer owners and their dogs.

11. Get more active, work on my flexibility and speed, work on bettering my nutrition and lose 30 pounds.

12. Learn to reduce my high stress levels because it is slowly killing me.

13. Spend more time individually with each dog.

14. Finally get MY Seeker puppy.

15. Spend more time enjoying the simple things by slowing down.

I also plan on spending more quality time with my hubby, doing things he likes, rather than always dragging him to my dog stuff. Good thing he loves me anyway.

I hope that your 2014 brings you all the peace, love and prosperity that you wish! Happy New Year and best wishes in 2014 in all that you do!!

Clan Applegarth by Barbara Blanchfield