The year began with polar vortexes, snow, cold, a case of frost nipped fingertips for me and a flood which resulted in Bob's first of 3 hospitalizations this year. We also suffered through a wrecking crew of waterproofers which just did about as much damage as the flood did. However, we survived and with the help of my brother-in-law Joe, got things set to rights.
February brought a bright spot with Piper completing his CPE C-ATCH with the last 2 Colors Qs he needed. This was his 5th agility championship and he completed it on my nephew Jason's birthday. I'm sure we had a few angels guiding us that day.
In April, Ceilidh got her first taste of Barn Hunt and loved it! Not a surprise really.
Also in April, Piper did a very special therapy dog visit right after his 11th birthday. We were part of the teams that went to Franklin Regional High School after the stabbings. He was amazing as always and I was SO proud of him.
In May, Seeker gave me a Mother's Day present by finishing his USDAA Bronze ADCH. He also completed his Jumpers Silver and Bronze Relay titles that weekend too. Gem got to run in her first Coursing Ability Tests and came away with 2 Qs towards her first level title.

June came with Piper having nasal discharge and sneezing, but he was otherwise feeling great as he ran in a CPE trial. It was to be his last trial weekend ever. Seeker continued to garner Qs for his CPE C-ATCH and work on his USDAA LAA Bronze.
July was the worst... Piper suffered a severe bout of pancreatitis and had to be taken to the emergency vet on July 4th. On July 10th, my awesome brother-in-law Joe, was killed in a motorcycle accident when someone in an SUV pulled out in front of him from a side road. He never had a chance. He was doing everything right, helmet, headlight, within the speed limit, but the driver's moment of stupidity, inattentiveness, or whatever, cost Joe his life. Ours will never be the same. My sister dealt with her wedding anniversary the day after we buried Joe. A week after that, she had to cope with the 4 year anniversary of the loss of her son and my oldest nephew Jason. My sister is the strongest person I know.

In August, Seeker finished his CPE C-ATCH with the last 2 Standard Qs we needed. I was so emotional and was barely able to complete his runs. This was Seeker's 5th agility title also. We also did some USDAA, still working on his LAA Bronze. My awesome friends pulled together and helped me raise enough money to pay off Piper's medical bills and make a donation to a BC rescue. I can never thank them enough.

December was Ceilidh's turn again with Barn Hunt. We had hoped to go in November, but her lameness kept us from making a trip to the competition. With some acupuncture on board and a change in herbs, she made it through this weekend and earned her RATN (novice) title with 2 first place ribbons. I moved her up to Open, but she wasn't quite ready for the challenges the extra tubes and rats presented.
This year has been one of if it didn't kill me, it made me stronger. After this year, I know who my friends are and who were just pretending. I know that time lost is gone forever. I know that I will tell those that I love that I love them every day because life can change in an instant. Onward to 2015...
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