Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Education of Gem

Gem at 18 months
Gem is now 18 months old and while other young dogs her age are already running agility competitively, she is FAR from doing so. Her independent nature, lack of mental maturity, and low tolerance for being incorrect have been challenging for me as a trainer. She doesn't readily offer behavior, in part I believe because she doesn't like to be wrong. If she offers behaviors and IS incorrect, she is easily frustrated and tries to disconnect. This has been apparent from the beginning in everything I have done with her, from herding to obedience and agility. She has made me think outside the box as a trainer and while I am not always successful, she keeps me thinking and trying to figure out the right method/s to help her learn. It isn't easy... It is downright exhausting at times...

She seems to enjoy doing obedience, which doesn't, at this point, have many choices. She is learning how to heel with attention, do fast recalls, sit-stay, down-stay, dumbbell and stand. We are also working on fronts and finishes as well. I think she really enjoys the structure of obedience. I have also been working on teaching her some of the rally signs as well as some freestyle behaviors. She passed her Canine Good Citizen test a few weeks ago as well as her therapy dog testing, but I don't think she is quite ready to do therapy visits alone. She is definitely more confident with one of the boys with her. I hope as she grows and matures mentally that she will be less of a perfectionist. Piper is also a type A personality much like Gem, but with age, he has mellowed. The difference with him is that he LOVES to offer behaviors in the hopes of a pay-off. I have never been able to foster this in Gem.

Agility training has proven to be more difficult. 2 x 2 weave training was a bust as I could have waited for days for her to just offer going through them. Given that, I had my channels repaired and she seems to understand the concept of those a bit better. I bought Rachel Sanders' video and plank to train her 2 on 2 off, but this has also been a challenge. Luring works to a point, but because she isn't a foodie, even that doesn't always work. I have found that keeping her on a line helps to keep her more focused and keeps her from having an option of disconnecting when she gets frustrated. Her agility career is WAY down the road. Sometimes I get a bit envious of all these youngsters that are already competing, but then I remember that good things come to those who wait. And she will be a "good thing" once we figure it all out...

Sheep training was put on hold with the arrival of agility season for the boys. Since summer proved to be wicked hot at times, it worked out for the better. With the coming of cooler weather, I will be anxious to get her and Seeker back out to herding lessons. He was making good progress several months ago as was Gem. It will be great to get back out to the fields and the woolies again. There is nothing more wonderful than watching this breed do what they are bred to do on a crisp autumn day.

Given all this, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love a good challenge and she is definitely giving me one. She is an awesome little Border Collie girl and I love her to pieces. I really can't wait to see what the future holds for us!

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