Monday, June 27, 2011

ATCH Piper!!!

Our road to the ASCA Agility Trial CHampionship has been a long one... As I don't travel to do ASCA agility, we only go to several sets of Buckeye Australian Shepherd Club trials in OH throughout each year. At the May trials, Piper needed only 40 Elite Regular points to finish his ATCH, but we had a bar down, which is rewarded with only half the regular points, 5 instead of 10. That left us needing 5 points this past weekend for his championship.

He had a beautiful run, on a challenging course. This judge, Jason Meeks from TX, doesn't believe in free rides in any of his courses. So, for those who think ASCA is an easy venue and not worth their participation, I would advise you to try it! Piper conquered the course in 37.37 in the 20+" class earning first place for his efforts. I couldn't be more proud of my Pi-Man!!! For the rest of the weekend, he had a free pass... He didn't Q in the second round of Elite Regular, after his ATCH. He merrily off-coursed himself through a tunnel 4 times with a huge grin on his face. I couldn't help but laugh. Eventually, we got back on course and finished.

One more challenge met... Now, to finish that AKC MACH before the end of the year!!!! YAY PIPER!!! I LOVE YOU BUDDY!!!!

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