Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Quest...

Seeker by Candace Lang Photography
Seeker... what can I say about this wonderful boy? He is my "Quest For The Grail". I couldn't be more pleased with who he is and what he has accomplished. So far, 2 agility championships with another on the horizon. He's earned his way to AKC Nationals twice, USDAA Nationals twice and CPE Nationals. He works stock with grace and strength. He is looser-eyed, but has tons of power. His physical presence on stock is incredible and although, we don't get to work sheep as much as we would like, his raw talent is evident. He has one litter on the ground that will be 2 in March 2013. These pups are proving to be just as versatile as their sire. Obedience, agility, stock work... They are still in training and I am looking forward to seeing them compete in the very near future.
Currently, I am in a quest to find a worthy bitch to breed him to so that I can have a son and several friends can have a pup to carry on his wonderful legacy. My search has me and a savvy friend scouring BC breeder websites for the perfect girl that will match him both physically and in spirit, temperament and working ability. He is OFA Good, shoulders/elbows Normal, DNA Normal by parentage, CERF, Brucellosis negative. I have not done some of the other tests (CL, etc) but am open to doing so if it is required, for the right girl. My quest is proving very difficult. The working breeders generally don't take us seriously as we are not trialing even though he has innate talent. The sport breeders think he is too "big" at 21" and 45 lbs. Even if he wasn't mine, he would still be what I want in a male Border Collie. He has substance, but isn't overdone. He has coat, but isn't dripping in it. He has a gorgeous, masculine head and neck. His layback of shoulders is to die for. He exudes "maleness" without being obnoxious. He is a white-factored black tri-color, which is a turn off for many breeders. He didn't throw any of his wild white in his first litter, bred to a darker bitch. The pups are flashy, but are traditionally marked. I have been also told that he is a bit long in the hocks, but that is a matter of opinion. For me, the physical breed standard (AKC) really doesn't have much bearing. It is temperament, soundness and working ability that matters most to me.
I don't show in the breed ring as I am unwilling to finish a breed championship and lose the working registration (ABCA). In truth, I don't feel the need to have some judge tell me that I have a good dog. I honestly don't care what the show faction thinks of him. He isn't show bred nor will those folks be interested in him anyway. Seeker is from working lines that also do dog sports. He is far from "traditional" and I think he is stunning.
So my quest continues and I am hopeful that I can find that special girl for him. It is just a matter of time and patience... Until that time, a visit to have him collected is in order. Straws To Paws, here we come!!


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