Sunday, December 2, 2012

A new era for Piper...

Piper by Great Dane Photos
Well, we did it... We earned our AKC MACH on September 29, 2012. He has also earned his MX Bronze and Silver and his MJ Bronze titles too. As I truly am not interested in pursuing MACH 2 with him, we are moving on to a new era on January 1, 2013. Piper will be moved to Masters Preferred 16" and we will continue to play there until he doesn't want to any longer. Somehow, I picture him running agility until the day he dies. He loves it just that much. I love HIM just that much as well.

He has converted me into an agility person after being a hardcore competition obedience competitor. His joy for the sport is apparent in every run, every time. When things go wrong, we make lemonade with the lemons. A recent JWW run is an example... With a tunnel start, he blasted out of the tunnel and headed straight instead of turning towards me even though I said his name, trying to cue him to turn. He consequently missed obstacle #2 which was a jump. He came around it, back-jumped it, took again, then went on. He got his weaves, missed the double. I didn't care. He wasn't qualifying at that point anyway, so we made up our own course and headed to the exit. He couldn't have been more pleased with himself. Smiles, tail wags and woos of joy are his trademarks. As long as that is happening, we will play the game.

He is qualified for AKC Nationals 2013, CPE Nationals 2013 and is entitled to go to USDAA Nationals 2013 and run in the Veteran's Showcase there... He will be 10 on April 9, 2013. Today he ran his very last AKC course in 20" Regular.  It was bittersweet, but made special by having him win the 20" Excellent B Standard class against dogs much younger than himself and earning his MX Silver. What an amazing boy he is... and what a blessing that he is in my life.

I have to thank his breeder Cheryl Jagger Williams for the opportunity of even having Piper. He was a FREE replacement puppy, but I could never put a price on him now. He chose me. It was destiny and for this I am grateful. I can't wait to see what the future holds. More fun, more laughs, just MORE! Thank you Piper for being your honest, awesome self... I am truly blessed.

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