Thursday, February 14, 2013

Age is only a number...

Piper's 1st perfect CPE weekend
Piper will be 10 in April. I've noticed that he is slowing down, but still keen for the game of agility. I have been thinking about retiring him from agility and letting him do rally or another less strenuous retirement sport. Somehow, I don't think he would put up with my decision. This past weekend, he earned his very first perfect CPE weekend, qualifying 10 of 10 runs with 6 firsts, 2 seconds and 2 thirds running in Veterans. He is jumping 16" in most venues, with a rare venture into 20" or 22". He qualified for CPE Nationals at the 20" jump height and since he is only running a few runs a day over several days, I'm okay with him competing there at that height. He still needs one more Performance Relay Pairs Q towards his LAA Bronze in USDAA where he must jump 22". Since it's only 1/2 of a course, I'm okay with this too. I see how comfortable and happy he is running at 16".

I worry about him, I won't lie. He gets regular chiropractic care, acupuncture and massage therapy too. These people are integral in keeping not only him, but all of the dogs healthy. They all know them probably as well, or close to it, as I do. I worry that his rear will weaken like I've seen so many dogs do and he won't physically be able to play agility any longer. My "team" thinks I worry too much. I probably do. These dogs are here for such a short time, that I want to make sure that I do everything possible to keep them happy and healthy while they are here on earth.

As long as Piper wants to play, we will do just that. Ribbons are nice, but his smile, wagging tail and woo-wooing is the best reward for me. There may come a day that he is no longer able to play the game, but I hope that day is far away. Until then, we'll just keep having fun.

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